Jazzconcert with cozy reception & exhibition of paintings
Sint-Paulus Church in Oudenbos
on Saturday 22 th of june 2019.
Aperitif from 6 p.m with Surprise Duo Liveband and exhibition of paintings from Jennifer Van Eetvelde.
Appetizers from Restaurant Cozy Thai during reception & livemusic , performance from students Lokeren Music Academy .
8 p.m : ‘JAZZYFIEL KWINTET’: Swing, Bossa & Contemporary
Members: piano/song: Steven De Caluwé, harmonica: Steph Van Uytvanck, drums:Nico Manssens, double bass: Micha Teller, trumpet: Luc Van Steertegem.
Prices: 20EUR/pp Reservation en tickets : cozythailokeren@gmail.com of 0485/19 41 90
Free glass cava included, bar with drinks and thai food available for 10 EUR/dish.